aLways  l0okIng   4  hUmans   to  eXpeim3nt   0n !   be  mY  mUse    hiT me   uP

02 1 881 02 4       emails

mUse ; -   thE  s0urce   of   An aRtist's   inSpiraTi0n  

For practice shoots I don't charge,       it's a mutual benefit arrangement, I get to practice, you get fotos. If I'm using the model or models fotos for commercial shoots then I will pay them.
If I'm doing a
             professional portfolio shoot for a model then I charge them
    For practice shoots the m0dels get free digital images to use as they want. 

I don’t publish anything without              the models approval. 

coMe be mY model!  0 2 1 8 8 1 0 2 4


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