whAt thE tUi sAw
a surreal dream by a tui who thought he saw a white tiger in the bush
muRal (acRylic & inK 0n b0aRd)
avAilaBle t0 viEw
@ stAbles 0n alphA
bAr & restAurAnt
alphA st, cAmbrIdge
acrylic, ink, pastel on canvas
1220 x 910 mm
alm0st beaRable
daRknEss of eXistEnce
610 x 45omm
acRylic, inK, paStel 0n cAnvas
toros en desfile <bUlls 0n parAde>
acrylic on canvas 1000 x 700 mm $1200
el pequeño toro
acrylic on canvas 148 x 210 mm
evEnt h0riz0n
acrylic & ink on canvas
740 x 740 mm $500
BLAck wh0le sUn
acrylic on ply
910 x 610 mm $500