the price of art is always negotiable, but remember, poor starving artists have the right to eat.... and drink coffee

last drop
             acrylic, ink, collage,wax on canvas, 900 x 700 mm, unframed canvas

    $1200 nzd

all $950 nzd ea

*click image for detail


  acrylic, ink, pastel on canvas  

      1220 x 910 mm     

$1800 nzd


alm0st beaRable

   daRknEss of eXistEnce

610 x 45omm

acRylic, inK, paStel 0n cAnvas

$350 nzd

evEnt h0riz0n

acrylic & ink on canvas 

740 x 740 mm      $650 nzd

BLAck wh0le sUn

   acrylic on ply

 910 x 610 mm      $1200 nzd


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